Writing Life

A Letter To My Daughters
Dear Daughters, I am a woman with no children of my own. I am a universal mother of children born to other mothers. I...

Wait! You’re A Writer?
All of us who write get a series of questions, most of which are asked out of curiosity, a few out of envy, and even...
My Little Secret
Do you remember the cheesy games we used to have to play? Those ice breakers at camp, corporate retreats, training...
If Writing Is An Art,
then editing is a craft. For me, writing the initial draft of any work brings me a freedom to put anything, and I do...
Getting Inside Your Character’s Heads
Any of you who have read my work know I love writing in the first person singular. Why? Because I can get deeply...
How to Annoy a Stranger in Public
We've all had those moments when we wanted to escape the presence of a stranger who trapped us in a conversation. As...
Doing Research For a Book
You're probably wondering why I have pictures of actors who've played police or sheriffs as the header here. Simple,...
Many readers of this blog are also writers. And like my fellow writers, friends recommend books on how I can be a...
How I Found Mad Max
Perhaps the title should be "How Mad Max Found Me." I'm often asked by book clubs how I come up with my ideas. That's...