Book Promotion

Lessons Learned–And Broken

Almost any writer can tell you that the moment she comes out as a "writer," she will drown in a deluge of conflicting advice. Most of this is unwanted, or at least not requested. Some of the "advice" I received included "always write about what you know." I can tell...

Thoughts on Buying Books

If you are not a writer or an aspirating writer, this post will likely bore you. It's about buying books for signing events It's targeted to indie and self-published writers, primarily, who travel to book festivals, who stand in the heat and cold, who talk to current...


Many readers of this blog are also writers. And like my fellow writers, friends recommend books on how I can be a better writer, how I can write [fill in genre here], how to publish and how to sell books. You can imagine my skepticism when a respected friend...

Promoting Your Book

I was multitasking this morning -- reading my favorite blogs and listening to the Today show with half an ear.The Today show announced that Al Roker had written a novel. A mystery novel. So, okay, I thought. Then I listened to the story. Talk about promoting a debut...