
My Summer Vacation 2024

I hadn’t planned my summer vacation to include what happened to me, but it did. Let’s start at the beginning. My local hospital sent me a reminder to schedule a annual routine exam. I arrived, stripped from the waist up as I had done for at least fifteen years. My...

Best Laid Plans…

I had planned to write the end-of-year blog post about what happened to me last year. Some of it might have been true; some of it might have been fantasy. Each time I sat to write, I found that, while my year had been good, it hadn't been all that memorable. I mean, I...

Lessons Learned–And Broken

Almost any writer can tell you that the moment she comes out as a "writer," she will drown in a deluge of conflicting advice. Most of this is unwanted, or at least not requested. Some of the "advice" I received included "always write about what you know." I can tell...

Surviving Writer’s Brain Cramps

Over the weekend I came down with a bad case of cramps. Writer's cramps. Brain cramps. Words got stuck, no matter what I tried. Then, I remembered a blog post I'd read just that week. Derek Doepker, an expert on ebook marketing who has become my guru (even though he...
If Not Now

If Not Now

I'm likely to catch hell for this post, but I don't care. I've written passionately about rape, bullying, drug...

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