
Time for an Update

It’s time for a status report. In my last post, I announced I had been diagnosed with Stage One breast cancer. That’s still true. I was diagnosed. And I wrote about having the tumor removed surgically. ‘Tis true. The beastie is gone. After extensive meetings with my...

My Summer Vacation 2024

I hadn’t planned my summer vacation to include what happened to me, but it did. Let’s start at the beginning. My local hospital sent me a reminder to schedule a annual routine exam. I arrived, stripped from the waist up as I had done for at least fifteen years. My...

Best Laid Plans…

I had planned to write the end-of-year blog post about what happened to me last year. Some of it might have been true; some of it might have been fantasy. Each time I sat to write, I found that, while my year had been good, it hadn't been all that memorable. I mean, I...

Lessons Learned–And Broken

Almost any writer can tell you that the moment she comes out as a "writer," she will drown in a deluge of conflicting advice. Most of this is unwanted, or at least not requested. Some of the "advice" I received included "always write about what you know." I can tell...
If Not Now

If Not Now

I'm likely to catch hell for this post, but I don't care. I've written passionately about rape, bullying, drug...

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