
I Will Go On The Record… say that "age matters." To say it doesn't belies the fact that age drives nearly everything we do from birth to now. As babies, we receive our vaccinations on a schedule parents and doctors agree upon. We begin school when we reach a certain age. In my case, I...

Surviving Writer’s Brain Cramps

Over the weekend I came down with a bad case of cramps. Writer's cramps. Brain cramps. Words got stuck, no matter what I tried. Then, I remembered a blog post I'd read just that week. Derek Doepker, an expert on ebook marketing who has become my guru (even though he...

Why I Don’t Run For A plane

Back in the late 73s, I was stuck in traffic on my way to Los Angeles International Airport to catch a PSA jet to San Diego to attend a trade show. Even then, "rush" hour traffic ran generally twenty-four hours a day. I finally pulled into a parking lot, grabbed my...

An Open Letter To My Father

Let me start by saying I never celebrated Father's Day. I never bought a card, picked out a terrible tie or a pair of socks, or visited the man who was my father. Why? Because I never knew him. My father was married to my mother for about two years, during which time...