
First Days of School

Certain times of the year are causes for nostalgic thoughts. Fall is one of those special times, when one thing ends and something else begins. No, not the augment of all things pumpkin. Not the first leaves that drop to the deck, to pile up on the driveway. Not the...

Getting Started

As a writer, I'm often asked where do I find my ideas? How do I get started? I start with two words: What if. I find this works with everything I write, whether it's a short story, a novella, or a novel. Take my Mad Max series as a starter. In Max 1, Unintended...

Drumroll: New Cover Revealed

My last post talked about how misleading the first cover for Eyes Without A Face was. My book isn't about the Unabomber, Jihadi John, or Trayvon Martin. It is about a female serial killer. And that was what wasn't clear with the first cover. I needed a completely...

Judging a Book…

It is not true that readers don't judge a book by its cover. We do. Sometimes we buy a book because the cover is intriguing, exciting, mysterious. I have often bought a book because I liked the front cover and the back blurb. And as a writer, I know how hard it is to...