Betsy Ashton

Time for an Update

It’s time for a status report. In my last post, I announced I had been diagnosed with Stage One breast cancer. That’s still true. I was diagnosed. And I wrote about having the tumor removed surgically. ‘Tis true. The beastie is gone. After extensive meetings with my...

My Summer Vacation 2024

I hadn’t planned my summer vacation to include what happened to me, but it did. Let’s start at the beginning. My local hospital sent me a reminder to schedule a annual routine exam. I arrived, stripped from the waist up as I had done for at least fifteen years. My...

An Open Letter

This is an open letter to the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden. Dear Dr. Biden, I belong to a group of ten women all of whom have one thing in common: we live with beloved husbands who are battling various neuro-degenerative  conditions. None of us are doctors; we are...

Other Than That…

So, there we were on Saturday, April 13, just back from grocery shopping when at 11:15A we heard a huge crash outside. I looked at my husband. He looked at me. "That wasn't an explosion," he said. "That wasn't a crash out on the water." We were both right. It was a...

An Open Letter

This is an open letter to the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden. Dear Dr. Biden, I belong to a group of ten women all of whom...