then editing is a craft. For me, writing the initial draft of any work brings me a freedom to put anything, and I do...
Getting Inside Your Character’s Heads
Any of you who have read my work know I love writing in the first person singular. Why? Because I can get deeply...
Swim Lanes, or How To Keep Order in Your Writing
Nearly anyone who has worked as a consultant knows that projects are broken down into sections, with those sections...
Have I mentioned before how much I despise proofreading? It's that necessary evil, the last step before I think "I'd...
Archaeological Dig
When I write a first draft, I keep a list of CDs I listen to, often by chapter. As the mood of a chapter changes, so...
Second Mad Max Draft
I've polished my first Mad Max manuscript until it is as squeaky clean as I can make it. So, I've put the Fantastic,...