I've been thinking a lot about pods lately. All kinds of pods. Pea pods, to be sure, since the harvest is in and...
Let's face it. We are spending more time in our homes than in offices or other places of work. We use our own space,...
By the end of July, I'd be anxiously looking forward to the first day of school, usually Tuesday after Labor Day. I...
He Sat Alone
Those who are regulars on this blog have read this essay before. I run it every Veteran's Day to remind me of what our...
It Always Takes Longer Than You Think
Time to share some publishing experiences from this year. I've been lucky to be involved with three books. One...
So You Think I Write About Me, Do You?
This post originally appeared on the Roses of Prose blog. Don't you just love the various questions we get from our...
Family and Community
Family and community are two words that are flung around like confetti nowadays. We're a football family. We are a...
I Did Not Know
When Ken Burns released The Civil War, I was mesmerized. My husband and I watched every episode with him narrating...
Seminal Events
We all have seminal events in our lives. Most are personal--births and deaths, weddings and divorces. Some, however,...
Have you ever sat in a coffee house or bar and watched how people sit or stand when they talk with each other? I love...
My newest book, Eyes Without A Face, releases in October. Unlike anything I've written before, it's from inside the...
Hot July Night
Instead of a hot August night at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, my husband Terry and best friend Glenn joined 7000...