
Finding Peace in the Time of COVID-19

We're all doing our best to stay calm in the midst of a daily tsunami of bad news. As a writer, it's less difficult to stay home than it is for someone who works outside the home.  I mean, writing is a very solitary sport. True, some of my friends do...

From Memoir to Novel

#ICYMI, It Started With a Memory What did? Out of the Desert. That memory was triggered by an old black-and-white photograph of two kids hiding in a fort they'd dug in the desert. My cousin, Jerry, and I loved to play cowboys and Indians, or war, or anything else that...

Back with a new book

It took longer than I thought, but I am proud to announce that OUT OF THE DESERT is now available in print and ebook versions on Amazon. To encourage followers of my website to try this novel, I've priced the print version at $10 and the ebook at $0.99....

Announcing a New Book

My next novel is nearly done and I’m raring to get this puppy into your hands. I have an offer and an ask. Here’s the offer:  If you want to be a beta reader, please raise your hand. Send me an email at [email protected]. I'll send you a copy of the...


By the end of July, I'd be anxiously looking forward to the first day of school, usually Tuesday after Labor Day. I...