Let me start by saying I never celebrated Father's Day. I never bought a card, picked out a terrible tie or a pair of...
Twas the Night Before Deadline
with apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE 'Twas the night before deadline, when all through the house Not a writer...
If Not Now
I'm likely to catch hell for this post, but I don't care. I've written passionately about rape, bullying, drug...
Announcing a New Book
My next novel is nearly done and I’m raring to get this puppy into your hands. I have an offer and an ask. Here’s the...
#ICYMI Convergence of Dates
This past week has been a convergence of important dates for nearly 40 years. First, there was my mother's birthday on...
Meditations On a Boot
Sometimes, life encourages you to rest a bit, slow down a bit, and put your booted foot up on the sofa. That's me...
Broken Hearted
No, I haven't experienced a personal loss, disaster, or break up. I'm broken hearted about the number of people who...
Never Throw Anything Away
Our mothers told us to clean our room, put stuff we weren't using away, and throw/give away stuff we no longer use....
Evoking Memories
What evokes the most memories for you? Is it the sound of a bird, a person's voice? Is it the taste of a favorite...
I find it hard to believe that not everyone has read EYES WITHOUT A FACE, my novel about a female serial killer. She...
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
Hi, all, I know I went silent for a few weeks. Nothing wrong here at all. More like needing to clear my head and focus...
‘Twas the Night Before Deadline
I run this poem every year in honor of all my writer peeps out there. with apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE...