Recently, I sat down with an Intrepid Reporter who wanted to talk about my serial killer book, EYES WITHOUT A FACE....
Stone of Hope, 2011
Those who know me know I'm anything but shy. I'm cheeky. I sent a copy of the poem to the Obamas and received a lovely...
Looking Ahead
And so 2017 is in our rear view mirrors. 'Tis the time to wax eloquent about what the new year, 2018, will bring. I'm...
My Latest Adventure
Meh synth Schlitz, tempor duis single-origin coffee ea next level ethnic fingerstache fanny pack nostrud. Photo booth...
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
When a book is overhyped, I tend to avoid it. Particularly if it is hyped as filled with spiritual insight. I become a...
Sarah’s Key
Lest my readers think I hate everything I read, I don't. If I hated everything, I could work for an agent and be a...
Diamonds for the Dead by Alan Orloff
Early in November, I met Alan Orloff at the Virginia Writers Club annual meeting at Mount Vernon. Alan had a table in...
Themes and Metaphors
I've been playing with themes of redemption and rebirth in my second Mad Max novel. With a working title of Shades of...
Writing and Editing
The old maxim is true: you never begin writing until you begin rewriting and editing. In my case, I received edits and...
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
You never know what will happen when you are on Facebook. Sometimes it's good; sometimes it's not. About two weeks...
Fred First on Earthcare
Yesterday, the Friends of the Franklin County Library and Smith Mountain Arts Council worked together to bring Fred...
Virginia Writers Club Annual Meeting
Virginia Writers Club (VWC) held its annual meeting last Saturday, November 13, at the The Mount Vernon Inn. Hosted by...