My last post talked about how misleading the first cover for Eyes Without A Face was. My book isn't about the...
Judging a Book…
It is not true that readers don't judge a book by its cover. We do. Sometimes we buy a book because the cover is...
The Keepers of the Box
Every family has a keeper of the box. It's often the eldest child, or the only girl, or the one interested in...
Stone of Hope, 2011
Originally published on Roses of Prose blog. I have refrained from posting political messages here, so I hope you...
An Improbable Tale of Friendship
Herein lies a tale of an unexpected friendship and a book. Books make great friends, we all know. And authors...
It’s Terrible When Writers Go Bad
Writers can go bad. Some should have a "use-by" date on them. Others should be prevented from writing from time to...
Smells from Christmas Past
With apologies to Marcel Proust. With another Christmas receding into memory, with wrapping paper ripped from presents...
With Apologies to Clement Moore
"'Twas the Night Before Deadline" 'Twas the night before deadline, when all through the house Not a writer was...
Thelma and Louise Revisited
With a nod to Dan E. Moldea who is the mastermind behind the real biannual authors' dinner in Georgetown in the...
Kid Numbers
I don't know about you, but I fatigued by the continually reiteration of kid numbers. You remember kid numbers. "There...
A Thousand Miles
Thanksgiving is a few days away. I'll spend it with my husband, calling our kids who live too far away to visit,...
A Smile Amidst the Tears
I wanted to write about how I felt when I heard about the slaughter in Paris this past Friday. I wanted to find words...