
An Interview With An Author, Part II

Welcome back. I'm your Intrepid Reporter interviewing Betsy Ashton, author of the incredibly chilling EYES WITHOUT A FACE. IR: I'm here with Betsy Ashton. Welcome back. Me: Thanks. And thanks for the coffee. IR: We've already talked about the cover and why you wrote...

An Interview With An Author, Part I

Recently, I sat down with an Intrepid Reporter who wanted to talk about my serial killer book, EYES WITHOUT A FACE. Intrepid Reporter: I understand you recently wrote a book about a female serial killer. Do I have that right? Me: Well, since you are reading from the...

Stone of Hope, 2011

Those who know me know I'm anything but shy. I'm cheeky. I sent a copy of the poem to the Obamas and received a lovely letter and personalized note back from Mrs. Obama. I'm humbled. I share these words now as always on Martin Luther King's birthday. STONE OF HOPE,...

Looking Ahead

And so 2017 is in our rear view mirrors. 'Tis the time to wax eloquent about what the new year, 2018, will bring. I'm not one of those. I'm more rooted in what I can make happen and how I can entertain readers of this blog. Trust me. I will still occasionally post a...