My next novel is nearly done and I’m raring to get this puppy into your hands. I have an offer and an ask. Here’s the...
#ICYMI Convergence of Dates
This past week has been a convergence of important dates for nearly 40 years. First, there was my mother's birthday on...
Meditations On a Boot
Sometimes, life encourages you to rest a bit, slow down a bit, and put your booted foot up on the sofa. That's me...
Three Weeks
Every year on February 15, I run this poem somewhere. It might be on FB, on Wattpad, here on my blog. Why? Because on...
Rejecting What I No Longer Accept
Last week I wrote about the conundrum I faced growing up. I loved my dear grandmother, but as I came to adulthood, I...
I missed last week because I was away on vacation. No, I don't announce it on social media or send pics from places I...
In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
The following poem is one I run every year at this time. I usually read it at events honoring Dr. King, but I had to...
Some Cliches Are True
It is said that when a writer dies, an entire library dies with her. It may be a cliche, but it is true. Take away a...
Don’t Swing at a Pitch in the Dirt
This blog spawns from a series of discussions I had over the past few months with newbie writers. None had published...
Twas the Night Before Deadline
with apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE 'Twas the night before deadline, when all through the house Not a writer was...
A Time of Peace
I've been thinking about prayer circles lately. They come in all flavors and colors. Some are built around discussion...
All About Kitties
After people complained about me exercising my Constitutional rights to freedom of speech when I posted the open...