We're all doing our best to stay calm in the midst of a daily tsunami of bad news. As a writer, it's less...
From Memoir to Novel
#ICYMI, It Started With a Memory What did? Out of the Desert. That memory was triggered by an old black-and-white...
Back with a new book
It took longer than I thought, but I am proud to announce that OUT OF THE DESERT is now available in print...
At dinner the other night, several friends bemoaned how their grandkids don't tinker. They don't take their toys...
When did oil become a cult substance? I mean, when did we suddenly need a gazillion oils in order to cook anything? I...
From My Spam Folder
Sometimes, rarely, but sometimes, I actually look at what's in my spam folder. I was gone for a few days last week to...
Have you noticed how cat selfies are taking over social media? Most bloggers know that if we want more people reading...
That's the adjective that defines me right about now. As usual, I have too much on my plate, too little of me to get...
Crying Towels
The scene is set for an interesting eavesdropping opportunity. One woman sits alone in a coffee shop, her latte beside...
50 Shades of Cabernet
For the longest time, I've avoided talking about my books, interviewing authors, writing about what I read. It's time...
Entering the Death Throes of Editing
For the next month I will be heads down editing a manuscript to send to my publisher. If you've never been in my...
Questions From A Book Club
I recently spoke to a local book club about writing my Mad Max series of mysteries. Their questions were so astute...