It took longer than I thought, but at last I can announce that my latest thriller, BETRAYAL, is days away from...
Betsy Ashton
#LookingBack at 2020
Do you remember...Oh, stop rolling your eyes. This is not an "OK, Boomer" post. It's about 2020. Do you remember when...
A Rerun of a Classic
'Twas the Night Before Deadlinewith apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE 'Twas the night before deadline, when all...
Bright, Shiny Objects
I was going to call this post, "Bright Shiny Balls," but I thought some people might take offense. Or not, as the case...
Swim Lanes, or How To Keep Order in Your Writing
Nearly anyone who has worked as a consultant knows that projects are broken down into sections, with those sections...
Seasonal Haiku
It's time for something light. Days are getting longer, a minute or two each day. Tempers are getting shorter, because...
An Interview With An Author, Part II
Welcome back. I'm your Intrepid Reporter interviewing Betsy Ashton, author of the incredibly chilling EYES WITHOUT A...
An Interview With An Author, Part I
Recently, I sat down with an Intrepid Reporter who wanted to talk about my serial killer book, EYES WITHOUT A FACE....
Stone of Hope, 2011
Those who know me know I'm anything but shy. I'm cheeky. I sent a copy of the poem to the Obamas and received a lovely...
Looking Ahead
And so 2017 is in our rear view mirrors. 'Tis the time to wax eloquent about what the new year, 2018, will bring. I'm...
‘Twas the Night Before Deadline
with apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE 'Twas the night before deadline, when all through the house Not a writer was...
An Open Letter To Charlie Rose
I was going to skip this week to focus on getting ready for the holidays, but I can't without writing this letter....