Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony DoerrMy rating: 5 of 5 starsWhen my book club decided to read Doerr's latest, I was...
Betsy Ashton
Twas the Night Before Deadline
I always rerun this post just before Christmas in honor of the angst my fellow writers and I often feel. I hope you...

Breathing Life Back Into This Blog
After an absence longer that I thought it would be, I'm resurrecting this blog. During the pandemic last year, I wrote...
Getting Started
As a writer, I'm often asked where do I find my ideas? How do I get started? I start with two words: What if. I find...
Drumroll: New Cover Revealed
My last post talked about how misleading the first cover for Eyes Without A Face was. My book isn't about the...
Judging a Book…
It is not true that readers don't judge a book by its cover. We do. Sometimes we buy a book because the cover is...
The Keepers of the Box
Every family has a keeper of the box. It's often the eldest child, or the only girl, or the one interested in...
World Building Or Worldview
Hi, my name is Betsy, and I suck at world building. I can no more create a mysterious land, populate it with rare and...
If Writing Is An Art,
then editing is a craft. For me, writing the initial draft of any work brings me a freedom to put anything, and I do...
Loving Our Bad Boys
Why is it that we fall in love with our bad boys? I don't mean in real life, although that was true once for me when I...
Getting Inside Your Character’s Heads
Any of you who have read my work know I love writing in the first person singular. Why? Because I can get deeply...
Thinking About Schools
Schools have been on my mind lately. Part nostalgia, part not. I clearly remember the first school I attended. I think...