Betsy Ashton

Thoughts Define Us

All that we are is the result of what we have thought--Buddha I wish that more people would think before they speak or act. Whether it's political discourse (my fingers want to type "discord") where we listen to people calling each other names or it's an overheard...

Casting Call for Mad Max Continues

I indulged in a fantasy when I cast Mad Max’s character. I chose Jamie Lee Curtis or Mary Steenburgen for Max. There may be other actresses who will appear in this blog, because my readers are weighing in with their choices. It’s now time to cast Johnny Medina, the...

Doing Research For a Book

You're probably wondering why I have pictures of actors who've played police or sheriffs as the header here. Simple, really. I want to give a shout out to police who have recently taken time to help me get details right. But first, a seque down memory lane. When I was...

Casting My Novel

We all dream about hitting the big time when a studio buys our novel for a movie or television series. Admit it. You'd like to see your name in lights, or at least in the screen credits. I admit it. When I began writing the Mad Max series, I kept various actresses in...