Betsy Ashton

Paying Homage to Anne Lamott’s Shitty First Drafts

Anne Lamott will forever by memorialized (even though she is very much alive) for coining the phrase, “shitty first draft.”  That’s the draft where you basically puke everything onto the screen, knowing that many of the words might survive ruthless editing but never...

Summers, Past and Present

You know you're getting more mature (that is a synonym for older) when you think back on the summers of your youth and how today's kids are so different. My summers always started when school was out. I tried on all the clothes from the previous summer to see if any...

Get To Know a Stranger

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.  Anais Nin The world has seen too much violence in the past weeks.  There's been too much hate-speak. There's been too little good news, two few moments of people doing kind things for others. In the past couple...

How to Annoy a Stranger in Public

We've all had those moments when we wanted to escape the presence of a stranger who trapped us in a conversation.  As a keen observer of human behavior, I've experienced all of these in the past month. That led me to a list of things not to do if you want me to like...


I needed to put the trauma of the demise of my corporate life behind me and get on with something I could control. I...

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