Betsy Ashton


I want to talk about empowerment. Empowering women, to be exact. I often use an image of Wonder Woman as my avatar when I get up and don't feel all that much like working. I take the stance, look skyward, shake myself and get to writing. I empowered myself to become a...


Over the past two weekends, I've had the pleasure of meeting many writers and readers at two separate conferences. At both, I listened to people lament how at sea they felt when they moved to new communities and away from family and friends. That got me thinking about...

Ampersands, A Happy Symbol

We've all seen the tee-shirt: "Let's eat Grandma. Let's eat, Grandma. Commas save lives." And every writer is familiar with the bugaboo of the Oxford comma. To "Oxford" or not. Have you ever really looked at some of our punctuation symbols? Some are really funny. Take...

National Girlfriends Day

That's right. Today, August 1, is National Girlfriends Day. I might of missed it if my gal pal, Kim Dalferes, fellow writer and all-round crazy Southern Irish gal, hadn't thrown down a challenge in her blog...