You all know I'm going through rehab to strengthen the wrist I broke on April 25. It's getting better. I have enough...

You all know I'm going through rehab to strengthen the wrist I broke on April 25. It's getting better. I have enough...
A few years back, James Ryan gave a commencement speech at Harvard's College of Education where he advised graduates...
Most of you who know me or who have been following me know I'm independent and stubborn. That's a double...
Imagine that you have a novel coming out. Imagine Publishers Weekly giving you a review. Imagine it reads something...
Yes, another rejection. But not from a query letter this time.I entered a short story in the Sherwood Anderson contest...
My friend and fellow Valley Writer, Keith Martin, received his first rejection for a short story from a prestigious...
Okay, I began my marketing research by sending the short query letter to three agents today.This is hard work. One...
Okay, I drafted and redrafted my query letter with the help of several friends.I reviewed Noah Lukeman's How to Write...
After a wonderfully stimulating day on the water last Saturday, and a rainy Sunday, I dug into the query letter for...
I love rainy days when I can write and edit and rewrite to my heart's content. Today was one such day.I worked a bit...
Giggle, my first freelance article appeared in the Laker Weekly on Jul. 24. A double-truck article, two photos, center...
Okay, today was filled with sending out essays, a short story and a poem to various contests. I felt like I was...