Betsy Ashton

Pizza Guys and Others

Years ago, I read an essay that appeared on NPR about being nice to the pizza guy. Given we are now in the season of good will toward all, it bears remembering that we need to be nice to people we might not consciously notice. So many people cross our paths every day,...

An Open Letter To the President-Elect

I don't usually write political posts on this blog, because 1) I don't want to be castigated, 2) I don't want to divert from writing about happier things, and 3) I don't want to turn away from  writing about books and the writing life. But, I have to write this letter...

Growing Up Polluted

With all the ballyhoo about climate change, rising oceans, and global warming, we seem to be losing track of how many cities still have high levels of air pollution. Now this isn't supposed to be a political post, and I don't mean it to be one. But, I grew up in a...

Pulling Back

Lately, I've learned of several friends who are pulling back from things I love about them. Three are writers; two aren't. I love each of them differently, and I miss them now that they are pulling back. One writer-friend has set aside her writing for the time being....


You read that right: worms. I woke up this morning thinking about worms. Before I continue, I confess that there is...

Catching Up

Sorry about being MIA for a couple of weeks. Nothing bad happened. Just too much work and too little time to do...

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Over the weekend I was reading an essay lamenting the loss of our ability to write crusive script. The writer said...

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