Betsy Ashton

Rejecting What I No Longer Accept

Last week I wrote about the conundrum I faced growing up. I loved my dear grandmother, but as I came to adulthood, I realized how she didn't like anyone who wasn't white. No other way to say it. She didn't like minorities. And she didn't like me having minority...


I missed last week because I was away on vacation. No, I don't announce it on social media or send pics from places I visit while I'm gone.  Just don't, because I don't want to advertise when I'm away and my house is watched by neighbors and my alarm company. I had a...

In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King

The following poem is one I run every year at this time. I usually read it at events honoring Dr. King, but I had to turn down invitations this year to go on vacation with my husband. With apologies to those who might find this too political. STONE OF HOPE, 2011...

Some Cliches Are True

It is said that when a writer dies, an entire library dies with her. It may be a cliche, but it is true. Take away a unique voice, and you lose all future books. Stories never told are lost forever. So when my dear friend, Sally Roseveare, lost her brief but intense...