Betsy Ashton

50 Shades of Cabernet

For the longest time, I've avoided talking about my books, interviewing authors, writing about what I read. It's time to weave more of these stories into my personal posts. I'm starting with an anthology to which I had the honor of contributing a short story. More...

Entering the Death Throes of Editing

For the next month I will be heads down editing a manuscript to send to my publisher. If you've never been in my shoes, er, chair, er, sitting on my ball at my desk, you might not know what death throes of editing  means. It starts with a complete read of the...

Questions From A Book Club

I recently spoke to a local book club about writing my Mad Max series of mysteries. Their questions were so astute that I wanted to answer some of them here. Hang on. Why did you set Uncharted Territory in post-Katrina Mississippi?  Max is entering uncharted territory...

Three Weeks

Every year on February 15, I run this poem somewhere. It might be on FB, on Wattpad, here on my blog. Why? Because on February 15, 2004, my dear mother passed away after a short illness. Her small-cell lung cancer was swift and painful. The hospice nurses and doctors...

Emyl Jenkins

When a writer dies, so do her memories and all her experience. We lost Emyl Jenkins on April 27 at the young age of...

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