In 1958, my mother took me to see my first Major League Baseball game in the L.A. Coliseum. The Dodgers had just moved...
Betsy Ashton

Memories of Past March Madnesses
I sit here looking at my bracket chart, unable to begin the process of seeing how soon said bracket will be busted by...

Best Laid Plans…
I had planned to write the end-of-year blog post about what happened to me last year. Some of it might have been true;...
If Not Now
I'm likely to catch hell for this post, but I don't care. I've written passionately about rape, bullying, drug...
Who Can You Believe?
That's the primary question Clifford Garstang asks in his latest novel, OLIVER'S TRAVELS. I'm a long-time fan of his...
Staying True To My Roots
No, I don't mean the color of my hair. It's silver-white by nature. What I mean is I can't and won't walk away from...
A Review of Anthony Doerr’s CLOUD CUCKOO LAND
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony DoerrMy rating: 5 of 5 starsWhen my book club decided to read Doerr's latest, I was...
Twas the Night Before Deadline
I always rerun this post just before Christmas in honor of the angst my fellow writers and I often feel. I hope you...
Breathing Life Back Into This Blog
After an absence longer that I thought it would be, I'm resurrecting this blog. During the pandemic last year, I wrote...
Introducing BETRAYAL
It took longer than I thought, but at last I can announce that my latest thriller, BETRAYAL, is days away from...
#LookingBack at 2020
Do you remember...Oh, stop rolling your eyes. This is not an "OK, Boomer" post. It's about 2020. Do you remember when...
A Rerun of a Classic
'Twas the Night Before Deadlinewith apologies to CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE 'Twas the night before deadline, when all...