Pods, Pods, Pods

by Betsy Ashton

Betsy Ashton, born in Washington, DC, was raised in Southern California where she ran wild with coyotes in the hills above Malibu. She protested the war in Vietnam, burned her bra for feminism, and is a steadfast Independent. She is a writer, a thinker, the mother of three grown stepchildren, companion and friend. She mentors writers and writes and publishes fiction. Her first mystery, Mad Max Unintended Consequences, was published in February 2013. The second in the series, Uncharted Territory, A Mad Max Mystery, came out in April 2015. In her spare time, she is the president of the state-wide Virginia Writers Club. She loves riding behind her husband on his motorcycle. You’ll have to decide for yourself if and where she has a tattoo.

September 10, 2020

I’ve been thinking a lot about pods lately. All kinds of pods. Pea pods, to be sure, since the harvest is in and mounds of fresh veggies are available.

Pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Some days I think pod people have taken over the airways. I’ve always enjoyed that movie, but living it gives me a whole new perspective. 

Other pods include learning pods, where groups of parents gather together to hire a professional teacher to augment distance learning.  

My favorite pod, however, is our Saturday at 6P “cocktail pod.” You read that right. Since the middle of March, neighbors have gathered at the end of our cul-de-sac for human interaction and cocktails. Strictly a BYO drinks. Oh, and chair. We do keep our distance but don’t wear masks because we are outside. 

Last week, we had 14, including a few kids and dogs, which provided entertainment by dancing in the circle. We had an unusual event. One home owner is renovating his house and nearly doubling its size. He had grown children, in-laws, and grands at the circle. Another couple came with their 6 yo girl. She usually draws in chalk and leaves her art for us to enjoy. 

The story was complex, but it began with a mention of the university the renovator went to. Two other people who are regulars also went to the same school, although a couple of generations separated them. One woman mentioned that her aunt also graduated from said university. Very long story short, the renovator and his clan and the family with the chalk artist are related by marriage and never knew it. The longer they talked, the more relatives they identified. 

When we broke up, one of the younger regulars mouthed, “WTF was that?”

That, folks, was a moment. Two families who had never met, met. So, we can be physically distanced, but can still interact socially. 

What cool pandemic things have happened to you? 

Peace, out.

As a writer who is happy as a clam in her writing cave, I glad I turned this time into creative endeavors. I’m making fantastic headway on Betrayal, a suspense story with lots of explosions. I can’t wait to share the cover with you.
If you are looking for something a little different, these four books are all $0.99 each. Perhaps you’ll take a chance and see if you like what I write. And here’s the link to make it easier for you to find them. 
Unintended Consequences https://amzn.to/2WWkONX 
Uncharted Territory http://amzn.to/1T71q6D
Eyes Without A Face https://amzn.to/2xoP9ap
Out of the Desert http://bit.ly/outofthedesert 
You can get all three Mad Max ebooks for $5.97 at https://amzn.to/2V4d76v. 
Please help out all of your favorite writers by dropping a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Goodreads. We appreciate it. Thanks, and read on, right now.

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